All Classes and Interfaces

Represents an acting entity in the network.
Thrown if an agent cannot be unlocked.
Thrown if an agent already exists, e.g.
Exception thrown on an attempt to register an agent, which is already registered.
A context that can be created for an agent to perform operations in the network.
Exceptions related to agents.
An Agent is the basic acting entity in the las2peer network.
Scribe content for a message, the an agent joined the net
Thrown if an agent is locked but an unlocked agent is needed to call a method.
Thrown if an agent cannot be found.
Thrown if an agent cannot be found.
Exception if the an agent is not registered at a node or anywhere in the network.
Represents an error caused by the network or the node.
Interface for agent storages.
This class can be used to sort a collection of NetworkArtifact according to their part index.
Thrown when an Ethereum wallet file cannot be opened or decoded with the given password.
A simple Hashtable based storage for agents.
Represents the raw ethereum blockchain transaction
content class for messages to be broadcasted via the pastry ring
base class for class loader exceptions in the las2peer package
An abstract policy to define restrictions to Java packages and classes.
The main class for loading classes in the las2peer environment.
A simple static class providing access to the color features of the bash console on standard out.
An enumeration of possible background colors.
An enumeration of possible foreground (text) colors.
An enumeration of possible text formatting options.
A simple command line for executing commands, generating new instances and handling local variables.
Enumeration for different return status codes of executed lines.
Auto generated code.
Base (abstract) super type for classes that may be configurable via property files.
Base class for connectors enabling the las2peer network to be accessed from the outside.
Basic exception for connectors.
Provides access to the context of the current call.
Wraps Credentials with convenience methods.
Exception for cryptografical problems.
Simple static class collecting useful cryptographic methods end encapsulating the access to the underlying cryptografic library.
Exception thrown, if the decoding has failed for some reason.
Default policies with no restrictions.
Disables monitoring for this service.
Thrown if the email address has already been taken.
Exception thrown if an encoding has failed for some reason.
Represents a (mutable) piece of data that is stored in the network.
This exception is thrown if an artifact cannot be opened.
This exception is thrown if an envelope already exists in the networks DHT.
This interface can be used to implement a handler that is called if a collision occurs during a store operation.
This general exception or its more specific subclasses are thrown, if an error in relation with the shared storage system occurs.
A simple command line tool for generating XML envelopes to the standard out.
This exception is thrown if an artifact was not found in the networks DHT.
This exception is thrown if an storage operation fails.
User agent for las2peer networks with blockchain-based registry.
Thrown for errors related to Ethereum, including execution of the smart contracts themselves, errors in their wrapper code, or communication with the Ethereum client.
Node implementation that extends the FreePastry-based node with access to an Ethereum blockchain-based service and user registry.
A simple reader for string contents of a file or input stream.
implements a repository which loads all libraries from a given directory or from severeal ones.
Represents a group of agents that is an agent itself.
A simple command line client generating a group agent XML file.
An agent representing a group of other agents.
Contains user data exactly as stored in blockchain.
Auto generated code.
This class represents a bunch of arbitrary data in the shared storage.
this message is sent from node to node as response to an GetInfoMessage
Represents internal security exceptions.
Thrown if the service itself has thrown an exception.
Thrown if the service argument validation failed.
This is the formatter used for the console output.
This is the formatter used for the log file output.
las2peer node launcher It is the main tool for service developers / node maintainers to start their services, upload agents to the network and to test their service methods directly in the p2p network.
base class for content published to the pub/sub-facilities of the pastry library (Scribe)
This class is used to manage the process in order to find the latest version for a given identifier.
a basic class managing a library identifier of the format name-number where number fits the format of LibraryVersion
exception thrown if a requested library cannot be found in a repository
A simple class managing a library version number in the format <major> "." <minor> "." <patch> "-" <pre-release> "+" <build> (where minor, patch, pre-release and build are optional) or "*" (no version specified / matches all versions).
a loaded jar library implements a library on the basis of a standard jar file
a loaded library represents a library in the l2p classloader context
This class is stored in the network and represents a network library.
Implementation of the abstract Node class mostly for testing purposes.
Command line tool for starting a LocalNode and set up some artifacts from a directory containing XML files.
Helper class to implement JUnit-Test for services to be published in a las2peer environment.
Thrown if the login name has already been taken.
Exception for problems with XML-deserialization.
Disables self-deployment for this service.
A Mediator acts on behalf of an PassphraseAgentImpl.
This class is used in the collision handling process.
Indicates that merging envelopes failed.
Base class for sending messages between AgentImpls.
a simple envelope for sending las2peer messages through the pastry network
exception thrown on problems to handle messages inside an agent
A simple interface to register message handlers to Mediators.
An interface for receiving messages in the p2p network.
A MessageResultListener is a simple collector for one result of a message sending operation in a Node.
a simple message status flag
Simple Factory class to load Agents from the nested XML files.
A MonitoringAgent is responsible for sending monitoring information collected at the MonitoringObserver.
A monitoring event.
This class stores a message that was logged by the monitoring module of las2peer.
This is the base class of the logging module of las2peer.
This class is used to handle the lookup and retrieve process for a bunch of NetworkArtifacts.
This class is used to handle the multiple store results generated from a parted artifact insert.
A simple exception for testing, thrown inside the TestService.
A network artifact is a bunch of arbitrary data in the shared storage.
Base class for nodes in the las2peer environment.
Enum with the possible states of a node.
The Sending mode for outgoing messages.
The NodeApplication implements the interface for message based interaction with the pastry p2p network.
base class for any exception occurring in a Node
A NodeInformation gives basic information about a node.
Exception thrown on access to a node which is not known to the network.
The NodeObserver is an interface providing all necessary methods to monitor all interesting node events for a Node (mainly PastryNodeImpl).
Caches the knowledge about existing services
A simple Service for testing failures in the constructor of a service.
Thrown when a registry lookup (of users, services, etc.) fails because the entry does not exist.
thrown by the ClassManager on access to a resource that is not registered
A simple service for testing a service which has problems in the notification method of node registering.
Thrown if the OIDC sub has already been taken.
A simple exception thrown on a forbidden attempt to overwrite an envelope.
Represents an agent that can be unlocked using a passphrase.
Base class for pass phrase protected agents.
This class is required by Past for the fetch process.
This class is required by Past for the insert process.
This class is required by Past for the lookup process.
A FreePastry implementation of a las2peer Node.
Exception thrown on failures in the underlying pastry storage
A simple test message to be sent through the pastry network will be removed later
a simple content for ping and pong message
Facade providing simple read-only access to the registry smart contracts.
Facade providing simple read/write access to the registry smart contracts.
a repository provides the ClassManager with needed libraries (jars) in form of LoadedLibrary implementations
Auto generated code.
Contains reputation transaction data exactly as stored in blockchain.
Thrown if the service could not find the requested resource.
Exception thrown on not found resources within a LoadedLibrary
Policy aimed for production use: Restricts access from the service to the node and some JDK methods.
a simple message content for an Message indicating an exception thrown via an remote method invocation
a simple content class for a Message indicating a successful execution of an remote invocation task
a simple invocation task
A content to be published to an agent's scribe topic, if someone is looking for running versions of this agent.
A message as answer to a SearchAgentContent indicating that the requested agent is running at the sending node of this response message
A simple class managing a semantic version number in the format <major> "." <minor> "." <patch> "-" <pre-release> "+" <build> (where minor, patch, pre-release and build are optional) or "*" (no version specified / matches all versions).
Base class for exceptions indicating serialization problems.
Static class as collection of serialization and deserialization methods.
Base class for services to be hosted within the las2peer network.
Thrown if access to the service (method) has been denied.
Represents an agent responsible for executing a service on a node.
A simple command line tool creating a service agent for the given service class.
A service agent represents a service and its access rights in the las2peer setting.
Responsible for mapping service aliases to service names and resolving paths to service names.
A service class loader is responsible for loading classes from the service bundle, probably loaded via a Repository
Thrown if the service detected an error during starting or stopping a service.
static helper methods for invocation of service methods via reflection
Represents an exception during a service invocation.
Thrown if the service invocation failed for some reason.
Thrown if a service method does not exist.
identifies a service name and version
Thrown if access to the service requires a logged in user.
Thrown if the service is temporarily not available.
Thrown if the service has not been found.
This exception is thrown if an issues occurs with a service package (jar) or while handling its dependencies.
Auto generated code.
A simple class managing a service version number in the format <major> "." <minor> "." <patch> "-" <pre-release> "+" <build> (where minor, patch, pre-release and build are optional) or "*" (no version specified / matches all versions).
Storage mode for the pastry node – either use only memory or the file system for stored artifacts.
Collection of simple tools not large enough to form a separate class.
This exception should be thrown by a StorageCollisionHandler if there should be no further merging attempt.
This interface can be used to implement a handler that is called if a collision occurs during a store operation.
This interface can be used to implement a handler that receives successfully fetched envelopes from the network.
This interface can be used to implement a handler that recieves exceptions occurring during network operations.
This interface can be used to implement a handler that receives the result from a store operation.
Simple test service for connectors to have a service with methods to call.
This class provides methods for developers to simplify JUnit test creation.
A simple exception thrown on timeouts.
a Message that tells the receiving Agent to unlock the calling Agent and contains another Object
An agent representing a user.
A simple command line tool creating a new agent.
An UserAgent represent a (End)user of the las2peer system.
Maps usernames and emails to UserAgentImpls.
Contains user data exactly as stored in blockchain.
Contains reputation transaction data exactly as stored in blockchain.
Auto generated code.
Helper methods mostly for converting data.
Exception thrown on failed cryptografic signature verifications.
A simple thread waiting for a result.
This class stores a message that was logged by the monitoring module of las2peer.
The old XmlAble interface enforced an setStateFromXmlMethod.
Simple static class collecting useful methods for XML (de-)serialization.