Class EnvelopeNotFoundException

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class EnvelopeNotFoundException extends EnvelopeException
This exception is thrown if an artifact was not found in the networks DHT.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • EnvelopeNotFoundException

      public EnvelopeNotFoundException(String message)
      This constructor sets only the message for this exception and leaves the cause to null.
      message - A message that describes the error.
    • EnvelopeNotFoundException

      public EnvelopeNotFoundException(Throwable cause)
      This constructor leaves the message null and sets only the cause for this exception. This is usually used to wrap other exception types and unify exception handling for the developer.
      cause - An other exception that caused this one.
    • EnvelopeNotFoundException

      public EnvelopeNotFoundException(String message, Throwable cause)
      This constructor allows to set message and cause for this exception.
      message - A message that describes the error.
      cause - An other exception that caused this one.