Class EnvelopeGenerator


public class EnvelopeGenerator extends Object
A simple command line tool for generating XML envelopes to the standard out.
  • Constructor Details

    • EnvelopeGenerator

      public EnvelopeGenerator()
  • Method Details

    • usage

      public static void usage()
      Prints a usage help message.
    • usage

      public static void usage(String message)
      Prints a usage help message and some additional information.
      message - additional information
    • loadAgent

      public static PassphraseAgentImpl loadAgent(String filename) throws MalformedXMLException, IOException
      Loads an agent from the given XML file name.
      filename - The XML filename to load the agent
      Returns a PassphraseAgent instance
      IOException - If the file could not be read
      MalformedXMLException - If the agent's XML representation is malformed
    • main

      public static void main(String[] argv)
      Command line script for generating a simple envelope.
      argv -
      1. xml file with owner agent
      2. passphrase of the owner for unlocking the key
      3. name of the (serializable or XmlAble) class to be nested in the envelope
        needs a string constructor
      4. String constructor value