Deep Linking
Mobile Deep Links
Mobile deep links are special links on Web pages. They allow users to seamlessly switch into an installed application and trigger an action there. These deep links do not start with "http://" or "https://" but use a custom schema that can be freely chosen. For instance, it is possible to register an app to react to all links that start with "i5://". To ensure that the schema is unique, it is also possible to use reverse DNS notation, e.g. by writing "com.i5.Toolkit://".
More information on mobile deep links can be found here.
Use Case
The mobile deep links can be used to quickly access functionalities and services of installed applications. As an example, it is possible to tell the app to immediately load certain content or open a specific editor. A common deep link that can be found on the Web is the "mailto://" schema. If a user clicks the link, the mail client opens and automatically sets up a new mail where the receiver mail is automatically filled based on the link's content.
Supported Platforms
Deep links can only be registered for installed apps, e.g. on the following platforms:
- Universal Windows Platform
- Android
- iOS
In particular, this feature does not supported testing in the Unity editor and on Standalone builds.
Registering Deep Links
Go to the player settings (Edit > Project Settings and select the player tab). Make sure that you are in the UWP settings (the tab with the Windows logo) and navigate to the "Publishing Settings". There is an entry "protocol" where you can enter the custom URI scheme. So, in this example, you would enter "i5" - so omit the ":/" part here. When this is done, the built app will open whenever an URI that starts with i5:/ is called.
Make sure that in the player settings under "Other Settings", the scripting runtime version is set to .NET 4.x Equivalent and the scripting backend is IL2CPP. To retrieve the data that is contained in the login redirect, the i5 Toolkit has an OIDC patcher which will post-process the built IL2CPP. When building the app, there should be an entry in the log console about the OIDC patcher running successfully. The patcher will add a hook to the generated C++ files which links the received redirect data back into the Unity C# world.
The redirect from the login page to the custom URI schema only works if you add the custom URI schema to the list of allowed redirect URIs in the client's configuration on the provider's Web page. So, in our example, you need to add "i5:/" as an allowed redirect URI, e.g. at the Learning Layers client configuration page.
On Android, it is necessary to overwrite the AndroidManifest.xml
file that defines the properties of the app.
To do this, place the following file in the folder Assets/Plugins/Android
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android="" xmlns:tools="">
<activity android:name="com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity" android:theme="@style/UnityThemeSelector" >
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
<data android:scheme="myScheme" />
Replace myScheme
with the scheme that you want to register with your app, e.g. i5
for i5:/.
If you want to associate multiple schemes with the app, create multiple intent-filters.
In each one, enter one scheme that you want to register with the app.
For the iOS target platform, the deep link scheme is registered in the Player Settings.
Make sure that you are in the iOS tab and then go to the "Other" category.
There is a section "Configuration".
It contains a collapsible section "Supported URL schemes".
In this list, you can enter all schemes that should be associated with the app, e.g. i5
for i5:/.
Further Information
More information can be found in Unity's documentation. You only need to follow the the instructions for your specific platform - the code examples are already handled by the given deep linking service.
Follow these steps to integrate deep linking into your application:
Register the deep link as described in the previous section
Add a Deep
Linking to your application, e.g. in a service bootstrapper.Service DeepLinkingService service = new DeepLinkingService(); ServiceManager.RegisterService(service);
Add the Deep
Link to a method that should react to a deep link. When specifying the attribute, set the path to which it should react, e.g. "myDeepLink" if it should react to deep links like "i5://myDeepLink". The path is case-insensitive. The attribute is only found by the module if it is added to public methods.Attribute [DeepLink("myPath")] public void Foo() { ... }
Important: To optimize performance, the Deep
Linking does not scan the entire code for the methods with attributes. Instead, you need to add the class that contains the method manually using AddService Deep .Link Listener(object) service.AddDeepLinkListener(myClass);
To clean up, you can remove a listener class again using Remove
Deep Link Listener(object)
Filtering Schemes
Optionally, you can also enter a scheme in the attribute's definition.
If you do not add a scheme, all schemes are recognized which have the same path.
For instance, [DeepLink("myDeepLink")]
will be activated by any URL with the path myDeepLink, e.g. "i5://myDeepLink" but also "rwth://myDeepLink", etc.
If the scheme is specified, only links which match this exact scheme target the given method.
So, [DeepLink(scheme: "i5", path: "myDeepLink")]
will only be called by the deep link "i5://myDeepLink" but e.g. not by "rwth://myDeepLink".
Extracting Further Information About the Received Deep Link
Methods that are marked with the Deep
Passing Parameters to the Application Using Deep Links
You can specify parameters in the deep link, e.g. "i5://withParams?value=123&secondvalue=helloWorld". They are available as a <xref:System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2> in the Parameters.
It is possible to mark any method in the code as a deep link receiver. However, you should only choose methods that are available after the automatic initialization procedure of your application. Moreover, the methods should stay available during the entire lifetime of the application.
This is due to the fact that the deep links should be state-free. No matter where in the application you are, a received deep link should always have the same effect. Moreover, when launching the application via a deep link, it should directly react to the deep link's content without user intervention. It would be confusing for users if they start via a deep link, get into the normal main menu, can interact with it and e.g. only if they open the settings menu, the deep link is suddenly recognized and has an effect.
To keep the architecture clean, it is recommended to create few API-definition classes that bundle deep link paths instead of scattering them throughout the application's code. These API-definition classes should be available from the beginning of the application and should persist until the application is terminated.
Example Scene
There is an example scene that demonstrates the usage of the deep links. It can only be tested in UWP, Android and iOS builds.
Follow these steps to set up the example:
- Open the example scene "Deep Linking Demo".
- Go to "File > Build Settings" and click the button "Add open scenes". Make sure that the "Deep Linking Demo" scene has index 0 in the build - it needs to be at the top of the list. If it is not at the top, you can drag and drop the scene entry so that it is the first one in the list.
- In the build settings dialog, select either Universal Windows Platform (UWP), Android or iOS as the target platform and click the "Switch Platform" button. If you want to test on your development Windows PC, it is recommended to choose UWP because you can directly install the app on your PC and do not need an additional smartphone.
- Register a deep link scheme for "i5" for your selected target platform, using the platform-specific instructions in Unity's docuemtation.
- Build the application and install it on your device.
- Click on the following link on the device on which you installed the application. The browser will ask you whether you want to open the link with your application.
A deep link receiver that responds to the changeColor path is attached to the cube. You can modify the value of the color parameter by copying the link and manually pasting it into the browser's address bar. Each time you hit enter, the browser redirects to the example application and the cube changes its color. This works both, if the app is not running in the background and with the already opened app.
If you hit F5, you can toggle the visibility of a fullscreen app console which prints the deep link that was received.